This isn’t just about equipment. It’s about creating a completely immersive training environment built to inspire every individual to push themselves to their limit, producing their absolute best in every training session. Work with us and together we will transform your vision into a reality.
Escape offers multiple configurations of frames, all of which can be further customised with innovative storage solutions and optional attachments. From compact, corner solutions that bring to life underutilised areas through to eye-catching centerpieces that demand attention.
“Escape put this concept together with selected racks, unique elements of color, and not only a carefully thought out range of equipment, but also the placement of the equipment so that it created a flow with the style of programming.”
DONNIE MIDDLETONCo-owner of Precision Fit Labs.
“We worked with another company, Marathon Fitness, who provided the knowledge and the expertise on the things that are not just the best in our community or in the United States but all across the world. So, when they recommended we look into Escape Fitness there were so many great offerings.”
ROBERT SERNAFitness Supervisor, The Epic
“One of the promises at Craft was that not only are we going to focus on one person at a time, and we’re going to focus on lots of personal attention, but everything you’ve touched is going to be the best that we can get our hands on, and the best that we can afford. And Escape has the best stuff.”
GEORGE FOREMAN IIIFounder of Craft Boxing Club.
“Escape put this concept together with selected racks, unique elements of color, and not only a carefully thought out range of equipment, but also the placement of the equipment so that it created a flow with the style of programming.”
DONNIE MIDDLETONCo-owner of Precision Fit Labs.
“We worked with another company, Marathon Fitness, who provided the knowledge and the expertise on the things that are not just the best in our community or in the United States but all across the world. So, when they recommended we look into Escape Fitness there were so many great offerings.”