
SBX Kettlebells.

As one of the first manufacturers to launch a rubber kettlebell, our years of experience and testing have led to develop the Nucleus kettlebell, with an enhanced design and ergonomic improvements. Using an efficient manufacturing process, we're able to lower the price point while still increasing functionality and giving the option for them to be custom branded.

Available Weights:

ARBKB10: 10lb Kettlebell
ARBKB15: 15lb Kettlebell
ARBKB20: 20lb Kettlebell
ARBKB25: 25lb Kettlebell
ARBKB35: 35lb Kettlebell
ARBKB45: 45lb Kettlebell
ARBKB50: 50lb Kettlebell
ARBKB60: 60lb Kettlebell
ARBKB1060: 10-60lb Kettlebell Set


Price from:


A contoured body and more tactile experience makes for increased versatility, more movement options and better workouts from an already incredibly adaptable training tool.

The patented handle design is not only welded into each cast iron core bell, but has been batch sampled throughout manufacture and salt spray tested to ensure that no rusting will attack the finish over their lifetime.

Kettlebell Training Workshop.

Why take this kettlebell training workshop? Kettlebells have been a popular product in health clubs for many years and for good reason. The kettlebell is a sturdy, functional training tool that aids the achievement of a variety of fitness goals.

Kettlebells are commonplace in gyms, often leading trainers to feel there is no need to complete any accredited training prior to teaching kettlebell exercises, often opting to ‘learn’ from friends or the Internet. For a training tool of this nature this can be very detrimental for both trainer and client.

The kettlebell is not a straightforward piece of equipment and the technical aspects of the movements mean both good knowledge and experience is essential for successful results. A good understanding of the movement patterns and how to improve these will deliver far superior results for all members and clients whilst dramatically reducing the risk of injury.

In order to do this successfully a proper understanding of the mechanics, technique and movement pattern is necessary. This workshop will give you the need-to-know information to get the best from Escape Fitness kettlebells with some of the key kettlebell exercises and fundamental movements for maximum results.

The Benefits.

  • Learn about the different kettlebells and what they are designed for.
  • Master the correct technique when squatting and bending correctly using kettlebell equipment.
  • Learn how to improve swing technique.
  • Improve your clients’ movement patterns with kettlebells and help them establish strong and controlled techniques.

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