

Spirit Gym - Paul Chek’s Ultimate Journey to Holistic Wellness & Self-Discovery.

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Spirit Gym - Paul Chek’s Ultimate Journey to Holistic Wellness & Self-Discovery.

Paul Chek, the absolute master of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness has launched Spirit Gym, a concept he is calling ‘his greatest creation yet’.

For more than forty years, Chek has been applying his unique, whole-body treatment and education approach to positively influence the lives of his many clients and students, often succeeding where other, more traditional methods have failed. Chek is founder of the CHEK (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute and pioneer of the highly successful P~P~S Success Mastery Coaching Programme. In addition to his practical work, Chek has also written several books, articles, and blog posts.

Now, through Spirit Gym, Chek is taking people on a spiritual journey of self-discovery helping them to reconnect with their souls, discover who they really are, understand what they came here to do and providing the self-realisation tools to empower them to solve seemingly impossible problems.

In this extended Escape your Limits Podcast, Chek explains the interplay between mind and body, exploring the role of spiritual development in personal growth and revealing how a connection with the soul unlocks freedoms that promote joy, wholeness, purpose, and fulfilment.

Topics include:

  • Personal training education vs corporate interests.
  • Balancing education and exercise on social media
  • Hormone supplements and their effect on mental and physical health.
  • Self-care, sleep and personal growth
  • The dangers of synthetic vitamins and protein isolates.
  • The relationship between money, health and happiness
  • How life experiences shape beliefs and behaviours.
  • Looking at how you engage with money, love, mind and power.
  • Religious interpretation and the need for personal spiritual development to understand God’s true nature.
  • Myths, spirituality and personal growth.
  • The role of psychedelics in personal growth and spiritual exploration.
  • Applying intent and consciousness.
  • Tarot archetypes, their meanings and significance in self-reflection and personal growth.
  • Energy, emptiness, form, and spirituality
  • The difference between real thinking and memorization.
  • Applying contemplative meditation for clarity of thought and problem solving.
  • Personal growth and development through physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual practices.
  • Setting realistic goals and avoiding failure.
  • Overcoming obstacles and finding success.

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