
Octagon Load Exercises Press Station


Alternating Press, Overhand Grip, Split Stance.

Alternating Press, Underhand Grip, Split Stance.

Alternating Press, Overhand Grip, Single Leg Stance.

2 Arm Press, Overhand Grip, Single Leg Stance.

1 Arm Press with Iso Hold in Flexion, Overhand Grip Stance.

1 Arm Press with Iso Hold in Extension, Overhand Grip, Neutral Stance.

1 Arm Press, Opposite Side, Overhand Grip, Split Stance, Left.

1 Arm Press, Underhand Grip, Neutral Stance, Right.

1 Arm Press Same Side, Overhand Grip, Split Stance, Left.

1 Arm Press Same Side, Overhand Grip, Split Stance, Right.

1 Arm Press, Underhand Grip, Neutral Stance, Left.

1 Arm Press, Opposite Side, Overhand Grip, Split Stance, Right.

2 Arm Press, Overhand Grip, Neutral Stance.