

Battle Rope.

Battle Rope training is one of the most underutilised exercises in fitness training. It’s a tough challenge that raises the heart rate, and develops core, forearm and grip strength.

Grouped product items
Product NameQty
33ft x 1¼" Battle Rope. BR3210
$0.00 $0.00

Made in Britain, these high-quality ropes can withstand the toughest punishment. They have our unique flex treatment, so they move easily during use and provide a great upper body workout. The Covered Battle Rope provides extra durability, ideal for busy gyms and outdoor sessions.

Attaching the Battle Rope to your Octagon functional frame gives users an exercise that really raises the heart rate. It’s a good complement to the strength and power exercises that other Octagon frame features support; great for varied small group workouts.

Size: Approx 33ft length. Width: 1¼": Weight: Approx 11lbs.
Rope diameter subject to -15% shrinkage during use.

Battle Rope Training Workshop.

Why take this workshop? The Battle Rope from Escape Fitness is a brilliant upper body conditioning tool. This is a high-quality natural rope which, when used with the correct technique, can develop good integrated upper body workouts, raising the heart rate, burning fat and conditioning the whole upper body.

To get the full benefits of Battle Rope training, learning about the different forms of battling and exercise technique is important. With the correct technique battle exercises can become an effective conditioning drill. With poor technique or lack of experience the exercises tend to become more of a challenge and clients give up before the training effects have time to kick in.

Our natural ropes are great to train with but they do need to be maintained correctly; this workshop will help you understand how to get the most from your Battle Rope for many years.

Battle Ropes are a great addition to any metabolic training circuit or cardiovascular challenge. They also bring an element of change into workouts that can otherwise be very technical and mentally fatiguing.

The Benefits.

  • Learn the correct technique for fixed torso and dynamic torso battle drills.
  • Discover how Battle Ropes can integrate the trunk and torso into a battle drill that is an effective, dynamic core exercise.
  • Ensure you get the utmost benefits from your Escape Fitness Battle Rope by maintaining its condition correctly.
  • Uncover the various ways in which the Battle Rope can be incorporated into challenging circuits to work the upper body and keep clients and members engaged.
  • Inject some dynamism into your circuits or PT sessions with this attractive, impressive equipment.